December 14, 2020

All in the Value - The Importance of Photography in Real Estate

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is also true in real estate, where the right kind of photo can speak volumes about your property without you, as an agent, saying a word about its value. While a property isn’t appraised any differently between picture-taking sessions for display, its perceived value can change because of how it’s framed!


As such, the best thing you can do as a broker is to invest in professional real estate photography.


The look of your property listing matters


Consider this statistic: about 98% of home buyers look for their next home using the internet. The fact that potential buyers view home listings online means that they rely on first impressions and what they can see. When buying something, most people will scroll through the photos to better understand what the product will look like in actual life. It’s no different for homes these days! Prospective buyers will swipe through photos of a property to decide whether or not it’s even worth seeing.


To improve your chances of attracting buyers to the property you’re selling, update your listing to have decent photos. With better images of your property available, shoppers are more likely to pause and explore the listing featuring your client’s home. If they like how it looks, and it fits all their requirements and specifications, you might just manage to get a booking for an open house.


Reasons to hire a professional real estate photographer


While you can definitely take photos of the property yourself, you may not get quite the same results as a professional real estate photographer can. After all, they know how to compose a photograph specifically for attracting home buyers and have the equipment needed to produce just the right pictures for your property!


Here are some reasons why hiring a professional real estate photographer is best:


  1. They have had training and use specialized equipment


While a point and shoot camera or a smartphone can get a pretty decent shot of the living space, only a professional real estate photographer has the specialized equipment and necessary training to capture a property similar to how it would look in a Good Housekeeping magazine. They also have the right gear to illuminate dark areas in the home, such as basements and attics.


In addition to having the right equipment, these photographers are equipped with the right skillset to photograph properties specifically. Only the proper training and experience can allow a photographer to make different areas in the house or apartment look the way they should, despite limitations like space, lighting, or angles.


  1. They’ll scout the area before taking photos


Good photos take a lot of preparation, so photographers and art directors will scout the property days before the shoot to plan everything out. Every angle of the place will be examined, and the photographer will take a few test shots to see how the different light settings will look on frame. This will allow the photographer to determine what he needs to bring on the shoot day to achieve the agreed-upon look.


  1. They’ll handle post-production


Having good photos of the property you’re brokering doesn’t stop with the picture taking. Post-production is required and is often the most time-consuming step of the process, as photographers edit the elements in the photos to make sure the lighting is even, and the colors are clear and correct.


They will clean up any noise or unwanted details that the camera may have picked up. They will also select the best shots for the real estate agent’s presentation. The result is photos of the property with a clean, professional, and consistent look that can’t be mimicked by taking a picture on an iPhone.




Making a property more attractive is all part of a professional real estate photographer’s job. Through the art of photography, they can recreate what exists and make it appear higher in value, attracting more buyers and renters in the process. It’s your job as the agent to put the property’s best face forward, and it’s the photographer’s job to give it the most beautiful face possible!


Real estate agents want to show the properties under their belt in the best possible way. Here at Listing Pics Pro, we provide services for real estate photography, including real estate marketing services, drone photography, and real estate video pricing. We ensure our clients get the best quality work—or you get a 100% money-back guarantee! We send invoices only after you’re completely satisfied with the edits to ensure complete satisfaction. To know more, visit our website today!